Beauty Within These Walls


      My name is Jade Hope, I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and proudly claim him as my Lord and Savior. I have struggled with hurts caused by abuse, habits and compulsive behaviors such as smoking and overeating, and hangup’s such as anger, resentments, feelings of inadequacy, depression, anxiety, self loathing and fear. Some of the most treacherous things that have come into my life at one point or another are the exact things that has molded me into the beautiful creature I am today.

      I have a wonderful career in Cosmetology, I love what I do. It is so fulfilling to help someone feel better about themselves.  I have felt the pressure to look a certain way and live up to the worlds standard of beauty.  It feels great to be there to encourage someone to feel their best self. I do my best to be the light for the person who comes to sit in my chair. We may be the only light that person will get to see, allow it to shine.  I practice Hair Care, and Skin Care, as well as Makeup Artistry. My client base seems to consist of Women going for a new look.  Referral’s come from others seeing that, “New Look,” sparking their own creative interest, leading them to me.  My natural care giving instincts made for a perfect career choice in the Cosmo world. My constant hunger to learn, is well suited to run parallel with this ever-changing industry.

I was listening to a broadcast on Periscope about a month ago (follow me msjade409!!) The man was saying how you dont need to have a lot of experience necessarily to teach.   If you have the willingness to share what you know, however small or grand that might be. You have the chance to make a difference.  I also feel that God gave my story to me so I can share it with others. I know how other peoples stories speak to my own life.  If my story could do that for someone else, then I have to at least try.   I enjoy engaging with others and putting my heart on paper. (more accurately in a word doc… 😉  I was encouraged to write by one of my girl friends at church after hearing my testimony.  I decided to give it a shot. Thanks girl, Love you!

You may hear fun beauty tips, and my thoughts about the industry.  You will hear about my faith, my growing relationship with God. The good and the bad.  You will hear where I have had a struggle, and the lesson/value I have found in them. You will hear about my family and our fur-babies, maybe even our own struggle with infertility.  Our hobbies which include my husbands saltwater aquarium,  (Lets be honest guys, most likely you will just gets pics of the aquarium that’s his forte’) However, if you tune in to my broadcasts on Periscope he does jump in on the broadcast sometimes to share some of his knowledge!  I collect orchids so you may hear about them and the joy a flower can bring. Please feel free to interact with me, request topics share your story with me. That is why I chose to blog rather than journal alone. Thank you  for taking the time to read my first post. I hope to see you back next time.



2 thoughts on “Beauty Within These Walls

  1. Jade,

    You are such an amazing person. I am so glad that you had the courage to start this blog. Keep up the good work lady!



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